Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Graduation Day Ahead !!!

WooHoo !!!

It's Graduation Day tomorrow for Miss Vicki !! I know that none of you have been counting, but .....
It's About Time !!!
Tomorrow marks the end of my formal Physical Therapy for the Total Knee Replacement that I had done exactly four months ago. I will continue to attend the PT clinic on my own, two or three times a week to continue to strengthen the quad muscle necessary to control my new knee and so to negotiate stairs. And also to help prepare my left leg for the same procedure, this coming Fall.
Today, I took, what I call my third "real" walk outside. Yesterday, I walked about a mile or so down the highway, and while walking, gleaned roadside trash. Within a couple hours of my return, I was "busted flat", and in so much pain, I wasn't even functional. But I figured the best way to progress, is to keep up the exercise, and the weather was still warm, so I gave it another go today. I used a little more restraint today, and only walked the highway, and not so far, so I am not in as much pain tonight. I need to find a "middle-of-the-road" approach to my exercise, which has always been impossible for me. For all the years that I have dealt with my disease of Fibromyalgia, I haven't been able to moderate my exercise, so to not "pay" the huge price with over the top pain, later on in the day. And lately, the hard two hour physical therapy sessions have resulted in my having a low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) reaction, almost every session...Everything I do, each day, is to try to be in better physical shape, in better control of my health. Every day is a challenge, as I grow older.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Miss Vicki